Gardens by the Bay

 Gardens by the Bay

Featured Writers: Kenneth Er, Andrew Grant, Richard T. Corlett, William Maynard Fountain III and Lena Chan 

Published: May 2010

Issue #1



In this issue, Dr. Kenneth Marcum and Dr. M.C. Engelke shared about the turfgrass research programme in Singapore, while Dr. Genevieve Ow discusses the application of ground penetrating radar to understand underground tree root systems.

In the projects section, the feature articles on Gardens by the Bay and the Alexandra Arch and Forest Walk of the Southern Ridges present valuable design and management information of the parks. Also included in this issue are write-ups on winners of the Skyrise Greenery Awards, Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects SILA Awards and Landscape Industry Association Singapore - 3rd LIAS Awards of Excellence.

In the ecology section, Dr. Lena Chan and Dr. Geoff Davison discuss biodiversity conservation in Singapore. This is compared with urban biodiversity protection in the City of Berlin, Germany.

Finally, Prof. Richard T. Corlett shares a commentary on Equatorial Cities as Novel Ecosystems .This is complemented by Prof. William Maynard Fountain’s views of arboriculture In Singapore.



Turfgrass Research Programme for Singapore

Author: Dr. Kenneth B. Marcum

Turfgrass Research Programme for Singapore







CUGE Standards for the Industry

Author: Angelia Sia

CUGE Standards for the Industry




Ground Penetrating Radar: A Solution to the Elusive Underground Tree Root System

Author: Dr. Genevieve Ow

Ground Penetrating Radar: A Solution to the Elusive Underground Tree Root System





Singapore Institute of Architects / National Parks Board SIA – NParks Skyrise Greenery Awards

Author: Gwendy Tan

Singapore Institute of Architects / National Parks Board SIA – NParks Skyrise Greenery Awards





Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects SILA Awards 2009

Author: Gwendy Tan

Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects SILA Awards 2009







Landscape Industry Association Singapore

Author: Gwendy Tan

Landscape Industry Association Singapore







Gardens by the Bay – Designing A Nation’s Garden in the Heart of Singapore’s Downtown

Authors: Kenneth Er and Michelle Lim, Andrew Grant

Gardens by the Bay – Designing A Nation’s Garden in the Heart of Singapore’s Downtown





Alexandra Arch and Forest Walk, Southern Ridges

Author: Elaine Lee

Alexandra Arch and Forest Walk, Southern Ridges





Nature’s Keepers – An Interview with Henry Steed

Author: Gwendy Tan

Nature’s Keepers – An Interview with Henry Steed







Seeking Greener Pastures – In Conversation with Dr. M.C. Engelke

Author: Justin Zhuang

Seeking Greener Pastures – In Conversation with Dr. M.C. Engelke





Biodiversity Conservation in Singapore

Authors: Dr. Lena Chan, Dr. Geoffrey Davison and Cheryl Chia

Biodiversity Conservation in Singapore





Urban Biodiversity Protection in the City of Berlin, Germany

Author: Trudy Maria Tertilt

Urban Biodiversity Protection in the City of Berlin, Germany





Equatorial Cities as Novel Ecosystems

Author: Prof. Richard T. Corlett

Equatoria Cities as Novel Ecosystems





An Outsider’s View of the Past, Present and Future Arboriculture in Singapore

Author: Prof. William Maynard Fountain III

An Outsider’s View of the Past, Present and Future Arboriculture in Singapore
